Supercharge revenue growth with payments

Use getpaid's monetization engine to earn revenue for each payment. Build sophisticated pricing models based on merchant segments, payment methods, regions and more.

Earn revenue on each payment

See how much additional revenue you can unlock from your existing payments volume.

Configure pricing plans for merchants with unmatched granularity

Payments is not a one-size-fits-all business. That’s why we offer full flexibility when it comes to pricing structures for your merchants

Granular buy-sell rate configuration to calculate your payments' profitability

Flexible commission options (eg. percentage, fixed values, tiered, etc.)

Define pricing rules based on any dimension (eg. sub-merchant, end-customer, payment method, etc.)

Decide how processing fees are allocated

Find the right pricing strategy based on historic data

Gain insights from historic and future transactions to determine the right prices for your merchants and business model.

Conduct A/B testing based on historical data and make decisions on real transactions flows

Set multiple pricing versions and compare revenue and profitability across all elements

Connect external accounts to assess your revenue potential

Import transactions and payments data from external systems or other payment providers to see how much revenue can be unlocked.

Lets get in contact and talk about how payments can supercharge your revenue growth.
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